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Blue Yoga Mat for Skelly

Item #SK0026-00


Blue Yoga Mat for Skelly. Yoga Skelly is Cheerful, vibrant, undead and ultra-flexible. These adorable creatures will add an air of the macabre to an otherwise way too sweet holiday.

Don't be stuck in the limited view of Santa as an overstuffed cuddle-bunny of a man with a beard. Dare to think thin, well skeletal. And don't forget bendy.

Most storefront Santas can't even touch their toes but these wee folk can do bound lotus, tree pose, hanumanasana and whatever you can think of for them.

Skelly's are ethically sourced from China. Caps are hand made by Mary from my office in the good old USA. No batteries are necessary.

Blue Yoga Mat for Skelly only

To see the Skelly Surya Namaskara Video and printable Skelly posters, click here.

The Blue Yoga Mat for Skelly are available wholesale for teachers, studios and bulk purchasers. To see our wholesale pricing, please fill out our Wholesale Intake Form.

Size: Blue Yoga Mat for Skelly 2″ x 6″
Material: Mat Material: PVC Okeo Tex Certified
Country of Origin: Germany

All Items Completely washable.


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