Trade Links
It seems like I am approached daily for link exchanges by a variety of organizations, businesses, and individuals. The relative scarcity of such links on my site reflects my desire to link to only those sites that will provide a benefit to either my visitors or Yoga Life Style or both. I love exchanging links when I can do so in a way that is mutually beneficial and good for my audience.
I like linking to sites offering quality services to yoga practitioners and like-minded people. I do not like to link to sites that directly compete with Yoga Life Style, which basically means offering the types of products we carry or to sites with no connection to healthful, natural living and or personal development.
I also like linking to sites that give us a link back that is easy to find on their website. If the page is not easy to navigate to from the index page on your site, I will most likely not be interested. I also like exchanging links with people who are selective in who they link with. If we are buried among hundreds of other links I am likely not to want to exchange.
Finally, if you have a website that is anonymous, meaning you do not have meaningful contact information including a physical address and phone number on your site, it is unlikely we will exchange links. This general rule may be waived if you are providing services of a sensitive nature or have some other compelling reason for anonymity and can provide references. Otherwise, I will assume that it is hard to reach you and that could be frustrating for people who visit your site.
If you are still interested, I am delighted. Please send an email with the following info to me at
- Web address of your site
- Web address of the page our link would reside
- Please explain what you offer the yoga practitioner
- Name, address, phone number and email address
- How would you like my blurb about you to read
- What address would you like me to link to
- Anything else you would like to share