New Yoga Bolster Embraced by Craniosacral Community!
I love creating and sharing items that are helpful in therapeutic yoga settings, restorative yoga classes and regular yoga studios too. Recently I discovered that some of the newer items I’ve been making for yogis are super useful for therapists of all stripes that lay hands on their patients for extended periods. These therapists include craniosacral, chiropractic, osteopathy, reiki practitioners, and others. It is exciting for me to have something that these therapists find aids them in their work.
Margery Chessare, LMT, BCST, RCST, PLLC of Turtle Back Craniosacral Education, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy using Tadpoles for Craniosacral Therapy.
How I Learned About Cushions and Craniosacral Therapy: A Big Misunderstanding
Now it seems so simple, but at the time it sort of boggled my mind. In early 2014 I started getting orders for Tadpole and Salamander yoga bolsters from an unlikely source: Turtleback Craniosacral Therapy near Saratoga NY. One time when Margery the owner/director of Turtleback Craniosacral Education was placing an order I asked her how she was using the cushions and she told me that they were used to support the arms in therapy sessions. For some reason, I assumed that they were for the clients’ arms and imagined that having raised arms made the treatment recipient more comfortable. I even started telling people about this!
I Learned How The Bolsters are Really Used for Craniosacral Therapy Just In Time!
In early June of 2014, I was scheduled to be an exhibitor at the Symposium for Yoga Therapy and Research. I was very excited about meeting a lot of people who care deeply about the proper use of props and who are working at the cutting edge of yoga and healing. I also thought it would be instructive if I could tell them exactly how the Tadpoles and Salamanders were being used in Craniosacral Therapy, so I emailed Margery and asked her if she could make a fuller explanation that I could share with other therapists.
Tadpole Cushions For Craniosacral Therapy
The Real Story: Proper Use of Tadpole and Salamander Bolsters for Craniosacral Therapist Support
Here is what Margery wrote me back:
Hi Ray—
As craniosacral therapists, we make light touch contacts and often stay in one position for several minutes or even more. Therefore, correct ergonomics are critical. We use all shapes and sizes of pillows to support our arms so we can sit in as comfortable a position as possible, shoulders relaxed, spine aligned.
My sister, Ellen Mossman, who lives in the Bay Area, CA, but often teaches with me, is a yoga teacher, too. She discovered the Bheka Tadpoles and found they provide the perfect arm support for craniosacral practice. She talked about them in class, so I ordered a couple from you to try, and the rest is history. 🙂 Now almost all our students are using them, too, or they will be soon.
They’re especially good for working around the face. We put one tadpole on either side of the client’s head and can rest our raised forearms on the cushions, keeping the touch light without strain.
I’ve been playing with the salamander at the side of the table in the same way. It’s been fun figuring out how to use them creatively.
I don’t know how helpful this will be for attendees at a Yoga Therapy Conference, but there are plenty of bodyworkers who teach yoga.
Have a great time at the conference and thanks for getting the order out so promptly. Be well, Margery
Salamander and Tadpole Cushions for CranioSacral Therapy
The Definitive Word on Tadpoles and Salamanders for Craniosacral Support: Thank You, Margery
Wow! What a great explanation and a nice story. Since then I have learned from Margery that she likes three things in particular about the Tadpoles and Salamanders: their size, shape and the materials they are made with. The sizes and shapes make them versatile in fitting where she needs them.
Excellent Materials for Outstanding Bodywork Support Products
As to the materials, the shells of the Tadpoles and Salamanders are either flocked polyester, which cleans easily but has a deliciously soft hand feel or cotton canvas dyed with AZO-free dyes which have a rugged natural feel. The solid colors (eggplant on the Tadpoles shown above) are all polyester and the India Print is cotton (used on the Salamander shown above). They are all stuffed with organic buckwheat hulls that mold to your body. So Tadpoles and Salamanders are comfortable against your skin and really embrace and support you when you sink into them.
Tadpoles and Salamander yoga cushions help Therapists Help Others
Yoga Supply Becomes Bodywork Supply
I am delighted my bolsters are a wonderful aid to therapists as they perform their important healing work. Since learning about this I have been listening for and I have been told about various ways the Tadpoles, Salamanders and other of my props are being used. I will try to document uses here and on the Yoga Life Style web site. If you have anything you would like to share please comment below or write me at ray@
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