The Mysore Mini Yoga Inversion strap and door fittings make a full tractioning of the spine accessible to anyone with a sturdy door. Plus you will be surprised how much fun it is to do your favorite poses on this pelvic swing. It will also give you a soothing massage to your back or internal organs while helping you to stretch in entirely new ways. The hanging experience supports sacral and digestive health as well. Below you will see 5 beginning poses plus instructions for getting into them.
Rigging is very important. This strap is designed for users weighing 300 pounds or less. The old version of this strap was only rated up to 200 pounds but too many people could not use it so we have made it sturdier. Take special care each time you use the strap to make sure all rigging is secure and shows no signs of damage or wear.
Where you rig is very important. We suggest that before mounting door hangers or other fittings you have an engineer evaluate the location and materials you intend to use. Door hangers are available below and ceiling mounting pieces are available here. The longer strap on this page is suggested for ceiling mounting, though a mini strap can be mounted to the ceiling as well. It may, however, be too short for poses where you want to be supported just a few inches from the floor.
People who are advised not to try this form of yoga exercise are those with headaches, high blood pressure, heart disease, menstruation and late-term pregnancy. All users are advised to check with their physicians before strenuous physical exercise of this nature.
Before doing anything, check with an engineer to make sure your location is suitable for doing this. While I have found that most doors can support this use, each situation is different and must be evaluated individually. Proceed with caution. Once your situation has been properly evaluated, take one door hanger and slide it so it will be above your hip when you are standing at the center of the doorway. Close the door enough to keep it in place while allowing room to put the next hanger where it goes.
Once you slide the second hanger into place, above your other hip when standing in the center of the doorway, you can close the door.
Now that you have both hangers snugly in place and the door is closed, you can attach the Mysore Strap using the convenient and quick links. Now with the strap in place pull on the straps and give them full weight with your feet still on the ground. Give it some weight and bounce around on it making sure it will support you. Once you are convinced it is ready for use have fun.
Be sure to inspect the strap and door hangers after and before every use. You don’t want to discover a mouse has nibbled through something after you are hiked out over the floor.
The instructions below presuppose that you have safely rigged your Mysore Inversion Strap on your door or wall. Always consult an expert on first installation to make sure your door or wall is sturdy enough for such use.

On Left Mysore Yoga Strap – Adjustable Triglide. On Right Correct Height for basic hang is just below the fingertips, around mid-thigh.
Find the silver tri-glides on the side of each strap. adjust them so the center of the padded area hangs at mid-thigh when you are standing fully erect and on your feet.
First Stand between the door or wall and the strap. Then lean back into the strap. Be sure to leave your feet by the door and let the strap begin to bear your weight.
Here is where you start to leave the ground. But before you do you should double-check you are on the outside of the door, not the inside. You never want to be on the side where the door opens toward you, always on the side where the door would open away. When on the outside of the door, the door jambs also hold the door in place with the hinges and doorknob. If you were on the inside of the door only the doorknob would be keeping the door in place. Ok, now you are ready to start. Bring your hand on the doorknob side to the molding or wall next to the door with that arm extended. Then raise your opposite foot, the one on the hinge side of the door, to the door near the jamb about midway up. Next, bring your foot on the knob side to the door above the knob. Once it is firmly in place you can release your second hand to the strap.

First Foot Always on the hinge side of the door, Then the Second Foot, Then the Second Hand
Once both feet are on the door it is a simple matter of walking them up the sides of the door to fully invert. Notice how both legs are outside the center section of the strap where the body is. Never bring both legs into the center, unless you are prepared to drop out of the strap, since that is most likely what would happen. You may find when you are in this position that the strap has ridden uncomfortably up your back so it is squeezing you mid-torso and not at your hips and sacrum. To adjust this wriggle down a bit. Taking some weight off the strap by pressing gently into your hands on the floor can make this easier to do. Once the strap is where you want it you can return to full inversion. You can stay in full inversion for up to 20 minutes to ease back pain and traction the spine.
This Diamond variation uses the cobbler pose to add some variation and get your legs involved. Here you can see the feet and legs are behind the strap. Another variation would be to bring the feet and lower legs in front of the strap. Always bring them around the side not through the center, since bringing them through the center would result in you falling out of the strap.
This is probably the easiest basic hang and if you have never done anything like this before, you most likely will want to start here. After adjusting the strap so it hangs to about mid-thigh you can lean forward into the strap and curl downward hanging in rag doll. Though simple this will give a toning stretch to the lower legs and hamstrings, while tractioning the spine and giving a soothing massage to the digestive tract. It will also allow you to get used to full inversion in a way that keeps your feet on the ground.
Doing the Wheel Pose Supported by the Mysore Door hanging strap is a great way to deepen your backstretch when you have no partner to assist. It also allows you to work on your flexibility with less reliance on upper body strength. You can work on developing your upper body strength by pressing into the ground from here if you like. You get the benefit of a deep back stretch either way.
I just love doing plank pose supported by my Mysore Yoga Strap. I find it somehow magical to be able to float out over the earth cantilevered out from the door and held aloft primarily by the strap. This is a way to gently work your core without the need for a lot of arm strength. As you can see here I am on my fingertips and toes, more or less in flight. Wheeee!
You may never feel like getting out of the strap once you are up there but at some point, you will have to. If you are like me you may be so blissed out that it is hard to walk the feet midway back down the door and then reach the doorknob side foot down to the floor, reversing the process you got in with. Fortunately, you don’t have to. There is an easier way out. Details are below.
First bring your hands up to the strap. This requires some effort and the first time you do it you may want to be sure someone else is around to help you in case you are not up to it. OK with the hands firmly grasping the strap you pull down on the strap while twisting your body sideways to the door and lower the left and right legs. Here I am swinging my left leg down first and then following with the right. You can also walk both feet down the side of the door jamb.
Once you get comfortable with this dismount, doing it in reverse is a great way to start a session on the strap. It is actually a little easier to get up on the strap by turning sideways and walking the feet up the jamb, then twisting and putting the legs to the side, than the beginner method. However, the first method shown for getting up is often easier for beginners to do because it is less complicated and you are always facing the door.
Link to purchase The Mysore Mini Inversion Strap
Link to purchase the Mysore Strap Door Hangers
Link to purchase the Mysore Mini Inversion Strap Sherpa Cover
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