New Inflatable Insert and Cotton Cover

See the deep stretch and extension of the spine Selena gets with the fully inflated BREEZE Rectangular Bolster in supported Virasana or Hero Pose. In reclining Baddha Konasana Selena is using a less fully inflated BREEZE Rectangular Bolster to soften the curve of her back for a less strenuous more relaxing experience.
bheka BREEZE Rectangular Yoga Bolsters are adjustable to give the right amount of buoyant and comfortable support for whatever pose you are into today!

These pictures illustrate the versatility of the BREEZE Rectangular Bolster. To get just the right downward slope Selena uses a fully inflated bolster under her lower legs and a less inflated bolster under her upper legs and torso. Aaaahhhh….Here Selena is using a BREEZE Rectangular Bolster and a BREEZE Salamander both at less than full inflation for a deeply restorative fish pose.
The large size and full shape are perfect for the deeply relaxing feeling of being fully held. Being inflatable makes the BREEZE Rectangular Bolster infinitely adjustable.

The bheka BREEZE Rectangular Bolster is fully inflated for this supported version of Upavista Konasana. Fully inflated the bheka BREEZE Rectangular Bolster supports a relaxing and restorative side twist!
The bheka BREEZE Rectangular Bolster is ideal for restorative practices and forward bending and side-lying poses that require support.
Use your imagination to find the ways of using the bheka BREEZE Rectangular Bolster that is just right for you!
The outer cover is made with a durable 100% cotton canvas which can be removed for washing. The insert is 7 phthalate-free PVC ethically sourced from China and easy to clean with your favorite, cleanser or disinfectant. The nylon carrying handle allows you to move the bolster with ease during practice.
The bheka BREEZE Rectangular Bolster is 25″ long x 13″wide x 8″ high and weighs approximately 1 pound. Replacement covers and inserts are sold separately as well. Filling the BREEZE Bolster is as easy as inflating a pool toy. It takes about 5 minutes using the little foot pump you see below and is quicker by mouth or mechanical inflator. This Bolster is safe for use by people up to 300 pounds.
Special thanks for Selena Reynolds our model who brought grace, warmth, and a deep understanding of yoga to our photoshoot and to Barbara Boris Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher and proprietor of the Woodstock Yoga Center, 6 Deming Street, Woodstock, NY, for the use of her studio.
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