Anyone who would like to increase their flexibility for backward bending and/or to expand their chest for greater lung capacity and ease of movement will find the Mysore Back Bender Eco 2 a valuable tool. It is a superb antidote to the hunch of looking at computers and phones all day. Clinically, it can be used for lordosis, scoliosis, and kyphotic postures as well as stiff and frozen shoulders. Everyone who employs this simple yet powerful prop will feel the relaxed flow of prana it triggers and enjoy greater mobility in the back and spine.
Other benefits of the Back Bender include increased blood flow to the spine and openness between the vertebrae. The arch offers support while enhancing spinal flexibility. Yogis and non-practitioners alike can reap the benefits. The Back Bender can provide relief from back and chest pain while opening the lungs for greater air capacity. For laborers, bodybuilders, and others who are exerting their upper bodies for hours at a time, the Back Bender can be a passive and effective way to relax and stretch compressed muscles and well as correcting any imbalances in alignment.

Bobbi Goldin: Director of The Yoga Institute of Miami since 1978
shares some of her favorite poses on the ECO2
This new version of the Back Bender retains the arch pattern of the original so you can still put greater emphasis on the lower back with the blunt end and more focus on the upper back and shoulders with the tapered end. What’s new is that the Back Bender Eco 2 is made of 100% sustainably harvested medicinal neem from Indian plantations. It is finished with eco grade glues and polishes and is elegant, sturdy and beautiful to look at. Like the first Back Bender, it is 18 inches long, 7.5 inches tall and about 4 inches wide. The Eco 2 weighs a bit over 3 pounds.
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