Nancy Van Kanegan – SET of 9 NVK posters
99 in stock
For years I have been searching for yoga related artwork. Namely, like the artwork Nancy Van Kanegan – SET of 9 NVK posters. Decorative, certainly, but also honoring the forms of classical asana.
In this case, I stumbled onto this collection on the Chicago Yoga Center website. Artist Nancy Van Kanegan, had supplied illustrations for the postures on their website. Immediately, I knew this was the work I had been hoping to find.
Nancy tells me that she originally came to yoga by way of studying art. She says that "As art functions to integrate the various aspects of culture, so yoga integrates the diversity of the human being, "yoking" the physical, mental and spiritual self."
So, art and yoga, according to Nancy, "both strive to access inner intelligence not often recognized by our modern world."
Each print is on acid-free, 100-pound cover stock and should keep its beauty for many years.
The whole set of 9 subjects without lamination.
The Nancy Van Kanegan – SET of 9 NVK posters is available wholesale for teachers, studios and bulk purchasers. To see our wholesale pricing, please fill out our Wholesale Intake Form.
Eight are 8″ x 10″
Baddha Konasana
Ardha Chandrasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana
Viparita Dandasana
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana 8″ x 20″
Weight: .5 lb
Materials: Printed on acid-free, 100-pound cover stock, Non-Laminated
Country of Origin: USA
Frame for best protection. Do not hang in direct sunlight as the image will fade.
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